Information Security Personnel Training Support for Companies and Public Sectors

Since it started in 2004, IISEC has had nearly 300 alumni from our Master's and Doctoral programmes by March 2015. Our alumni play an active role in the core business related to information security in each organisation.
There are many mature students dispatched from companies and public sectors, and we accept as many as 180 mature students from more than 60 organisations.
Based on these experiences and knowledge we have gained, in addition to our regular graduate education, we have also started offering short-term intensive practical training courses for professionals in companies and public sectors and MOOC security courses for beginners.
As an independent graduate school specialising in information security, IISEC has a comprehensive curriculum that emphasises practical skills from technology to management, and provides a flexible educational programme that meets the diverse learning needs of everyone involved in Information and Cyber Security. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

[Example queries]
  • Research themes and seminar rooms for master's and doctoral programmes
  • Non-Degree programmes (course registration, short-term intensive training courses, etc.)
  • Customising education programmes in specific fields (Secure Programming, Network Security, etc.)
  • On-site lectures
  • Support for employee education/training programmes (consulting)
For Inquiry

IISEC Department of Employee Education and Personnel Training Support

  • 2-14-1 Tsuruya-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, JAPAN, 221-0835
  • E-mail : feet AT iisec . ac . jp