Student Interviews

Hitoshi Osanai

At IISEC, where we can study a wide range of subjects from business-oriented technology to management, I am researching the sharing of security policies between companies.

I needed security expertise for my job

In the field of big data and cloud computing, I was transferred from system development of open source infrastructures to a security-related department. I enrolled at IISEC through a company's scheme to learn more about security, which is a common technical basis for our customers. I thought that my experience at IISEC would help me to change my awareness of the security of open source development, which has a high degree of freedom. The IISEC course is very attractive because it covers a wide range of topics in information security, from technology to management, and the faculty members are all famous in their respective fields. Among them, I joined Prof. Goto's research laboratory. Since his research interests included big data and cloud security, I knew I can do research directly related to my work in his lab.

Researching to promote information security throughout society

In my second year at IISEC, I feel that I have acquired enough basic knowledge and skills to be able to have technical conversations within the department and with customers. In addition to the lectures, it was also interesting to learn how to test vulnerabilities on the demo system in IISEC and learn the attack methods. Although I have been involved in programme development for a long time, I have not had any practical experience of how to attack and protect weaknesses. This was a good reference for me to think about security. In my master's thesis, I am investigating a system to unify security policy standards and automate the transfer of information between companies, when collaborating with other companies on orders and outsourcing. My aim is to promote information security throughout society, including small and medium-sized enterprises, which are struggling with a lack of security experts.

Learn about information security management and understand what corporate leaders think

I was able to embark on these themes thanks to the faculty members, who cover a wide range of humanities and science subjects, and to my classmates, who come from a variety of industries. The IISEC environment allows me to listen directly to the problems of the companies that use our systems and to conduct research to find solutions. I also took courses in the field of management, which helped me to learn the way people who have decision-making power in companies think. I would like to acquire the skills to be able to make a proposal for systems that are easy to use and manage, so that these top people are satisfied.

Hitoshi Osanai
Hitoshi Osanai
NTT TechnoCross Corporation
Enrolled in April 2012
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